Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pigeon Lake Association Minutes of Meeting.

 Officers for 2012:  John MacLaughlin-President.  Audrey Hotter-Secretary//Treasurer    Jim Auchue-Vice President.PIGEON LAKE ASSOCIATION PICNIC
September 4, 2011
MacLaughlins and Donners hosted the picnic at their cabins.
Families Present:  Donner, Nash, Merryfield, Samp, Schlegelmilch (friends & grandchildren), Auchue, MacLaughlin, and Hong.
Recognition was paid to two long time members who passed away this year -  Ken Olson and Dick Mars. 
It was announced that Joe Hutter has serious health issues (Joe passed away in late September).
 The Lake has come up about 2 feet but still has a long way to go.
 John read the minutes of last years meeting.  Moved by Jerry M. Seconded by Dido N. to approve.
 Treasurers Report:  balance in account $380. Approved as read.  No collection was taken, as there was not a lot of expense.
 Lake Report John attended the Lake Conference and reported fresh water Jelly Fish are present in Pigeon Lake. He has a request in to DNR for more information and will post. 
 The question was asked if anyone would be interested in setting up a Web Site or Face Book Page to keep members up to date on happenings around the lake.  Andrew Hong volunteered to set up a Pigeon Lake Blog.  Member can enter items of interest, photos, updates and new information.  Sounded like a great idea especially for Frank as people could find out when the dump is open. Thanks Andrew.  Andrew’s e-mail address to sign up:  
 Jerry Merryfield reported on the annual fish shocking report from Skip Sommerfelt of the DNR,  conducted on May 31 of 2011. Based on the "shocking" report, the slot limit for bass would remain the same at this time.  Currently DNR will not be placing any more cribs in the Lake. Complete report will be posted.
 We only have one loon on PL this year, so no babies hatched.  We have had a pair here for years and doesn’t seem right not to have a pair and a baby.  Sandy shared from the Lake Conference that the WI loon population  has grown from 2,500 to 4,000.  Good news for all the loon lovers.
 Joe Hutter is no longer able to test the water.  Jim Auchue volunteered to test the Lake and report to the DNR.   We own the equipment and will see that Jim gets it.
 Next year's picnic will again be on Sunday of Labor Day Weekend at the Auchues.
 Respectfully Submitted for Audrey by:
Ellen Merryfield

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